Boston runde flasker glassflaske
Helse og skjønnhet | Kosmetikk | Eteriske oljer | Væskelagring | Farmasøytisk | Nutraceutical | Matvarer | Laboratorium
CosmeticMFG offers a large variety of bottles for storing essential oils and aromatherapy products. Our clear Boston round bottle will store your product prominently – from skin care, candles, beauty care, etc. We sell an array of glass bottles with lids and caps for your cosmetic brand business needs. Check out some of our most popular jars. We’re best at creating unique and exceptional custom packaging, and are here to help you custom design personal care packaging – from bottle to jar, large or small.
This Boston round bottle is designed for easy, exact measurements of liquids like essential oils, extracts and other chemicals. These Boston round glass bottles provides the perfect storage space for food flavorings, essential oils and perfumes in an easy to carry design. Given the nature of essential oils, it is very important to choose the right container. Glass containers are a requirement for most essential oils, but more diluted aromatherapy products can be stored in plastic containers.
CosmeticMFG er en grossistleverandør av glassflasker og krukker. Våre Boston runde glassflasker er tilgjengelige til engrospris ved bulkkjøp. Vi tilbyr høykvalitets glass- og plastflasker og -krukker med dråper, sprøyter, korker og lukkinger til engrospriser.
Hvordan velge riktig produsent av glassflasker for din virksomhet
Tilpasningsmuligheter for runde Boston-flasker som passer ditt varemerke